
Check availability of remote computers.

Visit to check the status of a computer before proceeding to connect.

How to connect to UB remote desktop service?

  1. Visit
  2. Next, enter your credentials with the “AD\” prefix(Ex: AD\jsmith) and click Sign in.
  3. You will be presented with containers reflecting the desired computer lab.
  4. Click the lab container corresponding with the desired classroom/lab, then click a computer. This will immediately start a download. 
  5. Open the downloaded file to begin the remote session with the selected computer.
  6. You may be shown with the following prompt:
    • Check off Don’t ask me again for connections to this computer for faster service next time, then click the “Connect” button.
    • If asked for credentials, enter your username with “AD\” prefix. Ex. AD\jsmith
  7. If the expected computer lab is not available, please let your instructor know so they can email to open a request.


If you are using Mac, you must install the Microsoft Remote Desktop app from the App Store first.

Download the app here